example for beamer
\usepackage[english]{babel} \%如果去掉,中英混合会出错
\usepackage[noindent]{ctex} \%可使用 \usepackage{CJK}
\% Or whatever. Note that the encoding and the font should match. If T1
\% does not look nice, try deleting the line with the fontenc.
School of Computer Science\\
Beijing Institute of Technology
\% This is only inserted into the PDF information catalog. Can be left out.
A normal frame.
A normal frame.
多个作者多个单位 有时,slides可能有多个作者,并且属于多个单位,会议论文作报告时,经常遇见此情况。如下代码解决
\author[Author, Another] \% (optional, use only with lots of authors)
{F.~Author\inst{1} \and S.~Another\inst{2}}
\% - Give the names in the same order as the appear in the paper.
\% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different affiliation.
\institute[Beijing Institute of Technology] \% (optional, but mostly needed)
School of Computer Science\\
Beijing Institute of Technology
Department of Theoretical Philosophy\\
University of Elsewhere
\% - Use the \inst command only if there are several affiliations.
\% - Keep it simple, no one is interested in your street address.
logo 有时,要插入个校徽神马的,吐槽下学校官方竟然每个矢量校徽。。。 导言区加:
\% If you have a file called "university-logo-filename.xxx", where xxx
\% is a graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex,
\% resp., then you can add a logo as follows:
\% \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{university-logo}{university-logo-filename}
\% \logo{\pgfuseimage{bitlogo}}
\logo{\includegraphics[height=0.09\textwidth]{./pic/bitlogo.eps}} \%这只是我的logo路径
目录(TOC) LATEX生成目录这类实在是拿手戏。最简单的:
\% This environment allows switching between one and multicolumn format on the same page
\% You might wish to add the option [pausesections]
\tableofcontents[hidesubsections,sections={<1-4>}] \%显示1-4section,不显示subsection
\AtBeginSection[] {
\addtocounter{framenumber}{-1} \%目录页不计算页码
不过没发现如何获得当前section的数值,这样我就可以自动在每张前插入目录,且使当前目录为第一。 当然,还可以做成一个个显示目录的动画效果,不过没啥实际意义- -!
slides中的链接 有时想在slides中加入超链接,可以跳转到指定的页面,这个也是很easy的。 给欲跳转到的frame加上label
\frame[label = XXX]
\hyperlink{XXX}{\beamergotobutton{乃想显示的文本}} \%\beamergotobutton可以选其他的按钮
显示时间+页数 这个根据不同的主题不一样,比如Berkeley默认就木有,而CambridgeUS就是有的,可以自己在导言区加入:
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{author in head/foot}\%
\usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}\insertshortauthor
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{title in head/foot}\%
\usebeamerfont{title in head/foot}\insertshorttitle
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,right]{date in head/foot}\%
\usebeamerfont{date in head/foot}\insertshortdate{}\hspace*{2em}
\insertframenumber{} / \inserttotalframenumber\hspace*{2ex}
页脚显示文本 有时希望在frame的左下角页脚能显示一些内容,并不是为了报告时如何,只是给其他途径看slides的人一点更详尽的解释、资料,但是又不想用脚注(脚注在beamer效果不咋的)。
\% add text to beamer footline
\% add a macro that saves its argument
\% add a beamer template that sets the saved argument in a box.
\% The * means that the beamer font and color "footline extra" are automatically added.
\defbeamertemplate*{footline extra}{default}{
\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,leftskip=\Gm@lmargin]{footline extra}
\% \par\vspace{2.5pt}
\% set the box with the extra footline material but make it add no vertical space
\setbox\footlineextrabox=\vbox{\usebeamertemplate*{footline extra}}
\vskip -\ht\footlineextrabox
\vskip -\dp\footlineextrabox
\% patch \begin{frame} to reset the footline extra material
参考文献 LATEX最爽的几点之一就是参考文献的管理使用啊,毕设论文得用doc的泪奔T.T 一般用的比较多的是bibtex,首先,自己搞定bib文件,然后slides中加上一页来放引用文献
\bibliography{XXX} \%引用的XXX.bib文件
\% If there are too many of them to fit on the frame,
\% you must manually split them among additional frames or use the allowframebreaks option.
表格 有时,需要画一些表格,可能比较复杂,比如可能需要合并几行,或者几列,下面一个示例: 导言区加上
\% The \cline command draws horizontal lines across the columns specified,
ginning in column i and ending in column j, which are identified in the mandatory argument.
\% \cline{i-j}
\% \multicolumn{2}{c}{\backslashbox{Name}{Numer}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ \hline
\multirow{2}{*}{CleanEval} & \multirow{2}{*}{CleanEval-Eng} & training set & 60 \\ \cline{3-4}
\multirow{2}{*}{} & \multirow{2}{*}{} & evaluation set & 864 \\ \hline
\multirow{6}*{CETD} & NYTimes & \multicolumn{2}{c}{100} \\ \cline{2-4}
\multirow{6}*{} & Yahoo! & \multicolumn{2}{c}{100} \\ \cline{2-4}
\multirow{6}*{} & Wikipedia & \multicolumn{2}{c}{100} \\ \cline{2-4}
\multirow{6}*{} & BBC & \multicolumn{2}{c}{100} \\ \cline{2-4}
\multirow{6}*{} & Ars Technica & \multicolumn{2}{c}{100} \\ \cline{2-4}
\multirow{6}*{} & Chaos & \multicolumn{2}{c}{200} \\ \hline
效果如图 table 其中,\multirow{6}{CETD} 6代表占用6行,CETD是其内容,其实下面的\multirow{6}{}是可以去掉的,只是为了代码排版更清晰 \multicolumn{2}{c}{100}值合并两列,并且居中。 \cline的解释见代码注释 至于有时候可能会想要斜线的效果,不过latex中表格斜线分割看上去不舒服,还是不推荐,尤其科技论文中,文档直接明说不推荐 更多设置,详见Tables in LaTeX: packages and methods
sidebar Berkeley主题中的sidebar默认显示所有的subsection,并且在显示对应的页时,高亮相应的section。对此可以作一些自定义。 一般章节较多时,sidebar就很不友好了,显示不全,间距还大,别扭,只是取消显示subsection,一句话搞定
\% By default, the current entry of the table of contents in the sidebar will be highlighted by using a more vibrant color.
\% A good alternative is to highlight the current entry by using a different color for the background of the current point.
\% The color theme sidebartab installs the appropriate colors
图表、算法编号 beamer仿佛默认是不显示图标标号的默认值是Figure:XXX
\% show fig and table number
\% show theorems and example number
字体大小 beamer中某人的一些项目字体太大,比如样例example,可以在导言区自定义
至于关于动画之类的,其实更多的涉及到的是LATEX的画图,扯起来就太多了,不扯了,直接照着各文档来吧。 一般这些画图包都有各式各样的样例供参考